The packaging design for Chatalk tea house, the top of the packaging for the regular product line is designed with an arched structure that is inspired by the façade of the tea house. The brewing tea leaves inspire us with the visual layout, and the coloured paper roll hidden in the 'rooftop' of the pack presents detailed information and each colour link to each specific product category.
In addition, the gift box introduces the arched façade into the interlayer paper after the box is opened. The information sheet and the carton have a visual interaction, a die-cut window is opened on the side of the gift box, and the name of the product happens to be revealed after the paper sheet is inserted.
In addition, the gift box introduces the arched façade into the interlayer paper after the box is opened. The information sheet and the carton have a visual interaction, a die-cut window is opened on the side of the gift box, and the name of the product happens to be revealed after the paper sheet is inserted.

Designer Tian Na, Herbr Lin